Chaos Update

by Tickled Red on June 13, 2010 · 6 comments

Hi ya’ll I just wanted to let you know that we are still here and that we do plan on announcing the winner of the Lowe’s Gift Card as soon as our my life settles down a bit. It has been one crazy chaotic week with entirely more aspects of life to juggle than I initially planned for.

In a nut shell…

We have had M2 wrapping up his last week of school, so I have been there more than usual (Tuesday can’t come soon enough).

Swim practice every evening has killed my cooking and baking, this change in our schedule and how we usually eat enlightened me to the fact that fast food more than once during the week is not my friend. Say goodbye to a full day on that discovery… enough said.

M2 had a swim meet yesterday at 8am along my little brother Blaine’s graduation from high school at 12:30. I will let ya’ll do the math on that one. Oh did I forget to mention that I am responsible for the concessions/food at all home meets? Friday I lived at Sam’s Club and the pool. Yesterday, starting at the crack of dawn, I ran around like a mad woman.

Needless to say yesterday got away from me along with all thought of consuming food or drink. Which enabled me to have another enlightening revelation , I am not 20 years old anymore. There is such a thing as blood sugar and if you do not feed and hydrate it regularly you will get a wicked migraine. Seeing purple spots through one working eye type of migraine. So after a graduation cookout at my mom’s with family and friends, as well as a visit with some neighbors that we have missed, I crawled into a dark hole and crashed around 9 pm without a thought to the giveaway.

Today my dad is throwing a graduation cookout as well but this time I am arriving as a well feed, water drinking, smart and savvy middle aged woman. Not the adrenaline sustained bozo that I was yesterday. The monkeys and I will try our best to do something fun today for the giveaway and I will do my utmost to get it posted no later than tomorrow along with the new Monday is Giving. I’ll be honest the craziness here will not subside until Tuesday evening and I plan to have a much deserved glass of red wine waiting for me at the end of the night.

Now don’t get me wrong other than the unforeseen stomach illness and the wicked migraine I have had a great week. I love being at M2’s school seeing what he has been up to. I adore the fact that my little brother is growing up and moving on to new adventures and I am enjoying all the craziness that goes along with family and friends being in town to share in the festivities.

So I am still TICKLED, I am just not happy that I let the giveaway post slip past me and that I have to keep ya’ll waiting. That doesn’t please me at all. So again I apologize and it will be coming soon.

I hope that you all have a great Sunday.

Love ya,

Tickled Red


Darcie June 13, 2010 at 9:36 am

Busy times for us moms! My family and business have taken ALL of my time these past few weeks-as they should!! And Tuesday evening…here in Colorado, I will have a glass of wine with you :)

Linda June 13, 2010 at 10:17 am

I hear you! And swim team can make life crazy! Enjoy your week!

Kristen June 13, 2010 at 1:41 pm

Crazy times, isn’t it? What ever happened to the lazy days of summer?
Congrats to the graduate :)

Sinful Southern Sweets June 13, 2010 at 8:31 pm

Hoping things settle down soon for you!! Hope you’re having a great weekend!

Sue June 13, 2010 at 11:21 pm

I’m getting my own migraine just reading all that you have going on;) Looks like the light at the end of the tunnel is coming soon so hang in there!

sleepycathollow June 14, 2010 at 12:12 pm

I spent some time home with a migraine of my own…

Take care!

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