Good morning everyone. As you can see we have a brand new gorgeous playground to have fun in, wahoo! I’m so excited that I can’t think straight. Oh wait, that’s true everyday. Still I am beaming like the Cheshire Cat and doing happy dances intermittently throughout the day. Just call me George Jefferson for the next couple of days. All of the lovely changes you see here would be the result of Barbara of Kinetic Webs, Vino Luci Style and RSVP.
Barbara is a woman that I met on Twitter as well as through her blog and I count myself very fortunate that I did so. We jive, we mesh, we goof, we have bonded. She is the yin to my yang. I am a renowned techno dork and she is, well a Zen Zulu Master in my opinion. Without her knowledge, expertise and extreme patience this transformation never would have been possible. It takes a skilled designer and architect in order to create a lovely home. Which is exactly what has transpired here. She has turned our fun little playground into an extension of my home. I can’t tell you how much that warms my heart, because there is nothing like opening up your home to family and friends be it literally or figuratively.
Now with any new home there is still work to be done but as we all know what is left falls to the inexperienced new home owner. I have some writing to do, some photos to add here and there and most of all some new tricks to learn which, hopefully with Barbara’s help from time to time, I will get the hang of things sooner rather than later. Have you ever tried adding a bazillion photos one pixel at a time? I know I went to school for art and all but it has been a while since I worked with mosaics. Keep your fingers crossed for me.
So from the bottom, top and middle of my heart, thank you Barb!! You have brought more space, function, a taste of our beach life along with the comforts of home to all of our extended family and friends. You did an amazing job!
Love the new and improved site look. Nice job.
It says your email subscriptions aren’t feed enabled. Thought I’d let you know – that’s how I like to get your posts & looks like you were planning to have that option.
Congrats on the new site, Shari!
And it’s about time, girlie! Sheesh! :)
Thanks!! I know…life has a way of sticking her nose in at the most inopportune times. B-izzy week!
LOVE, love, love it!! Congratulations!! You’re new playground is beautiful!!!
Looks fabulous! So streamline, and I love the new header!
Looking good!!!
Shari!! This looks fantastic! I love your tag line as well!!!
Have fun in your new playground!!
Looks great, Shari! I can see why you’re so excited.
Beautiful. Perfect. Love it. Enjoy. Congrats!. XOXOX Mom
–>Love the new location and layout.
Best wishes in your fine new digs!
Love the new digs!!!!!!
AWESOME JOB!!! LOVE IT AND IT IS SOOOOOOOOO YOU!!! Congrats girl – just outstanding! (((hugs)))
The new look is wonderful! Very bright and intuitive.
Thanks so much sweetie :) Glad to see that you are feeling better.
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